Vladimir Lalić "frontiers of decrepitude" Galerija Novembar

The exhibition showcases the artist’s most recent works, which include the drawing series of fantastic creatures, as well as acrylic glass sculptures-installations and artistic objects. Vladimir Lalić is leans towards experimentation in medium and form in both his older and recent opus. Through the works presented to the public at Novembar gallery, the artist demonstrates that the human dimension is not lost, but rather, redefined and observed from a different angle. People do not become automatons or mechanical constructs; through the world of image/drawing/play, they understand or maybe just start to become aware that this is what they always were: bacteria, moths, flies.

As observed by Jelena Vukićević in the exhibition catalog:

Vladimir Lalić presents all the changes in communication and pushing the limits of the ‘body’ and the spatial scrutiny of his ‘creatures’, which we as observers are invited to experience most directly with all our senses. We see them, and we are not sure if we are in the lower layers of the earth, or if we have ventured far below the bottom of the ocean or is it that we are floating across the heavens. Aided by lit elements, the breaking of layers, across drawings and installations, we reach the paintings of both his inner world and what it is he experiences without. Seven days lived through the creation and dismemberment of the world, as if repetitively recuring, with the presentation of a series of images of microorganisms which are stable in every pore of the knowable and unknowable world, narration, dream. You are at liberty to call Lalić’s world whatever you want, because it leaves room for the first breath upon your leaving the tepid waters of safety, while you are sliding through that feeling, never able to reach knowledge. We remain in the depths, almost underground, stumbling upon the source of life that is still unknown, and hidden.

The exhibition runs from 28 April to 22 May 2022. Gallery doors are open daily (except Mondays) from 12 to 8 PM; Saturdays, from 10 AM to 6 PM and Sundays, from 10 AM to 2 PM, address 22, Kursulina street.