The best commercials in 2020, chosen by our colleagues

Along with the rest of the world, the creative industries have been thrown into chaos this year thanks to the COVID pandemic. Despite all of the challenges the industry has faced during recent months, 2020 has proven that advertising has the power to engage, surprise, delight, inspire when people need it to the most, and change the world, one person at a time.

Below are selected this years’ favorite listed by the creative and strategic directors working in I&F Grupa.

Amela Barlov - Art Director, McCann Sarajevo

Although I thought I had had enough of 2020, Match seems to be the perfect choice for Advertisement of the Year. Satan matches the girl named 2020, perfectly. :)


Daniel Vuković - Chief Creative Director, McCann Zagreb

I am sending a campaign that is great for me because it is completely in the spirit of the brand, and it is very simple, extremely cheap, and incredibly important in these times (because people get lost in a pile of content and just don't know what to think, what to believe and hot to behave).

The New York Times: The Truth Is Essential (by Droga5)

Iva Bokšić - Head of Strategy, McCann Zagreb

In anticipation of holidays, Gucci has launched a campaign based on true and loveable insight about people being nostalgic for office parties that are usually perceived as boring and something they want to skip. Except for this year.

Vladimir Ćosić - Executive Creative Director, Drive

It reflects the incredible courage of the client behind it (otherwise one of my favorite bands of all time, despite the fact that I don't eat meat). As far as the execution details and the level of the meticulousness of the craft are concerned, it is an incredible achievement. It comes from our, poor, unhappy part of the world, proving that the best world campaigns can be produced in any geographical area, including ours.

(Bonus reason), because after a long time, I sincerely wanted a campaign that advertises the product and does not fight against Covid or some other diseases.

Siv Trælvik Breien - Creative DirectorMcCann Oslo and Jan Petter Ågren - Creative DirectorMcCann Oslo

We have all struggled with the impact of the Covid-19 virus this year. Some people have struggled longer, being addicted to drugs or alcohol. Singing this hymn is a gift from them to the rest of us. All they hope for is a simple Christmas meal. The campaign is not made by us, and it´s probably not the best Norwegian ad this year, but it makes you think.