Interview: Diplomacy&Commerce, Secret Formula of Communication insertation
Speaker: Olivera Perković, Managing Director, McCann Beograd
Significance, richness and relevance of creative idea are the constant in our business. Everything else changes throughout time. Along the change agencies and clients search for best cooperation models, structures, teams, individuals in support to generating those great ideas. Importance of talent is the essential for all of us, yet the definition of best talent also changes.
Whether the change in business originates in evolving technology and media, whether from contexts we work and live in, or market conditions we operate in, the talent nowadays is redefined. Advertising goes beyond advertising with the power of technology, and with the power of brands that can initiate and bring about change. Along that notion talent forces go beyond standardly recognizable art directors, copywriters, accounts and planners. Accounts in a way will operate as producers, “arts and copies” are best joined with people of various professions – fine or performing arts and beyond. Diversity that comes from culture, age and various roles in life is needed to ensure the richness and depth of the ideas and effectiveness of execution. Communication planners will become PR strategist, social strategists, and brand planners - architects of that brand or brand advisors to clients’ marketing teams. Diversity of skill is our priority both in terms of having that talent inside the agency and in the way we work in partnering up with external talents.
Another field both agencies and client have to win in is consumer knowledge. A lot has been said on data marketing and brands that due to nature of their customer centric business models acquire so much inteligence on their consumers, therefore so much leverage. Winning with customer understanding is another priority and that is also a constant in our business. The way we go about acquiring that knowledge changes and also what we do with valuable information on their needs and behavior patterns. All should be aimed in creating services, products or experiences that add value to their everyday lives – so we move away from messaging to consumer into providing much needed value, convenience, help or fun... What we witnessed in recent years when it comes to acquiring data are acquisitions of data management companies and investment in analytics platforms and tools. We work in most convenient age, and technologies are there to simplify our lives and work, yet the complexities of managing abundance of information, as well as sensitivities and smartness in selecting right insights and targeting requires great skill. New circumstances require new skills and ongoing education and we all find ourselves in trying on and searching for right modalities in work.
How we structure our business and approach in light of the idea richness and consumer relevance is final focus point. Truly integrated agency or popularly called “one stop shop” is certainly one trend we are witnessing more and more and following the restructuring and centralizing efforts from clients’ side and creating matching model from agency side is one of the undergoing initiatives.
Whether we have a specialty agency model or truly integrated, both models are valid and depending on the direction agency takes the talents are acquired or engaged. Direction certainly reshapes the way we work, engage, think and employ to prepare adequately for it.
Throughout last several years I&F McCann Grupa has expanded in our region, as well as into territory of Nordic countries. The exciting opportunities for qualitative development, for sharing and enriching knowledge, learning from different cultures and experiences are in front of us. This touches on these important points – the importance of talents needed, the diversity from contextual and cultural stand point from which we can benefit, as well as opportunities to form different centers of excellence and provide best practices and learnings from different markets to our clients.
In conclusion how quickly and smart we adapt to change is important. Surely everything goes quicker nowadays and effectiveness is the driver. There is no perfect model to simply copy, but it remains on agencies to articulate in close cooperation with clients.
Winning in above mentioned three areas is our priority and a pathway to improved quality, agility and relevance – all much needed in order to be genuine partners to clients and creators of ideas and services people will be fond of. It’s the pathway to true loyalty and true value we want to create.
I&F McCann Grupa jedan je od vodećih komunikacionih sistema koji 20 godina uspešno posluje u 12 zemlja jugo istočne Evrope i nordijske regije. Naš posvećen tim čini 600 talentovanih profesionalaca, koji svakodnevno sarađuju na integraciji marketinških kampanja, promotivnih aktivnosti, organizaciji događaja, dizajnu, planiranju i zakupu medijskog prostora, PR, produkciji, komunikaciji u oblasti zdravstva, kreiranju TV sadržaja,kao i na svim formama digitalnog marketinga. Agencije koje posluju u okviru I&F McCann Grupe deo su McCann Worldgroup (,jedne od najvećih svetskih agencijskih mreža,osnovane 1902.godine koja posluje u više od 120 zemalja sveta, i u vlasništvu je Interpublic Group (IPG) ( sa sedištem u Njujorku.