Dragana Markovic, Drive's Business Development & Performance Director, participated in the panel 'What Gets Measured Gets Done' held at The Right Measure of Media 2.0 conference organized by the Media Association and USAID Media Sustainability Enhancement Project.
The panel gave an overview of the situation in the field of media measurements and the experience of others in this field. "Such conversations within the profession are very important, not only because they give us insight into the current state of the media in Serbia and the region, but also provide an opportunity to discuss various initiatives in one place to improve the media measurement process, which is of great importance and media and advertisers and agencies. I am glad that there is a good will on the part of everyone in the industry and that this topic is discussed, as well as the willingness to contribute primarily to the education of the market, but also to other activities that will ultimately affect the achievement of a higher standard and quality of measurement, and thus greater regulation of the communications and advertising market, ”said Dragana Markovic.
The panel also featured: Predrag Lozovic, Nielsen Audience Measurement, Nenad Milic, IAB, Predrag Sarenac, Media House, Stevan Ristic, Vreme weekly, and Branka Miletic, DAN, Zagreb, while panel moderator was Dalila Ljubicic, media director of Media House.
The conference "The Right Measure of Media 2.0" presented the current media scene in Serbia, with a focus on trends and innovative examples in the field of media measurement. More about the conference http://asmedi.org/pad-poverenja-u-tradicionalne-medije-veliko-poverenje-u-drustvene-mreze/